" /> A quintal of smuggled gold will be melted through live transmission – News of Global

News of Global बिहिबार, साउन ११, २०८०

Kathmandu. Live broadcast of 10000 kg of smuggled gold seized from the airport on July 18.

Sources of the Revenue Research Department said that the process of separating the gold brought hidden in the ‘break shoe’ of the scooter from the ‘break shoe’ is going to be informed to the general public through live broadcast.

The department claims that it is trying to broadcast live in order to give information about how the biggest gold smuggling incident happened so far and what lengths were taken to hide the gold.

Revenue has also discussed with the tax department of Nepal Rastra Bank about the process and safety of live broadcasting on television.

According to the Department of Revenue, a proposal has been received from the Revenue for the live broadcast of the process of separating gold from ‘break shoes’.

“Discussions have been made to broadcast live on government television while adopting security measures,” the source said.

As the department has to discuss this with the Prime Minister, the decision is planned to be made only after the Prime Minister returns to Nepal on Friday. Both the departments have made preparations so that only after the return of the Prime Minister, the gold will be melted.

Gold melting requires the direct supervision of 8 to 14 officials including Revenue Research, Customs Department, Rashtra Bank Internal Audit Department, Taxar and others.

According to Rastra Bank, it will take a day to separate the gold from the ‘break shoe’ and it may take a few more hours for quality check.
The Revenue Investigation Department arrested 2 persons with gold from the hands of Airport Customs at 5 pm on July 18.

Till Wednesday evening, the Revenue Investigation Department has arrested 17 people including one Chinese and one Indian citizen in the case of smuggling gold brought to Nepal from Hong Kong. Among those arrested are 3 employees of the customs department.

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