" /> MoFA tries to ‘correct’ Oli’s ‘Nepali Ram’ statement, says it was not political – News of Global

News of Global बुधबार, आषाढ ३१, २०७७

After a statement by Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli claiming Ram, the hero of the mythological text of Ramayana, a Hindu holy book, was born in Nepal, not Ayodhya of India, ran into controversy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a statement on Tuesday evening in its bid to ‘correct’ it.
The ministry says, “Attention of the Government of Nepal has been drawn to the various interpretations of the remarks,” adding Oli’s statement should not be interpreted politically.

“The remarks made by the prime minister are not linked to any political subject and have no intention at all to hurt the feeling and sentiment of anyone,” the statement reads, “the prime minister was simply highlighting the importance of further studies and research of the vast cultural geography the Ramayana represents to obtain facts about Shri Ram, Ramayana and the various places linked to this rich civilisation.”
The ministry clarifies that Oli did not mean to debase the significance of Ayodhya (in India) and the cultural value it bears. “It may be underlined that the tradition of celebrating Bibaha Panchami where a marriage procession coming from Ayodhya, India to Janakpur, Nepal takes place every year.”

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